One of the most corrupt things that I’ve seen in here, is the bonuses that certain employees get for saving money. Two specific situations in here… the supervisor of the kitchen for our first example – he is allotted so much money to buy the food for the month to feed the population… any money left over in the budget, he gets to keep.

That’s why they run out of food nearly every day, and then stop the line and pull out “rerocked” food left over from God knows when. I saw my bunkie get so sick a few months ago from one bite of a chicken patty. She was so sick, it hurt me to watch it. She was in so much pain. She has Fibromyalgia and Lupus, so she take things worse than a healthy person. They don’t think about what harm they cause to others by scrimping and being cheap.

Then, the other example is the lady in charge of the quartermaster, which is all our state issued clothing and linens. She also gets the same deal as kitchen supervisor… she gets so much money allotted every month or so to purchase our clothing and linen. Any money she saves, she also gets to keep. So, instead of buying new sheets and blankets and clothes…. every few months, they’ll do a huge raid in the prison for ‘excessive clothes’. No, not for drugs like they should, but to make sure you only have two pairs of shorts and not three. And four sheets and not five.

Then, they wash them and hand them back out, until girls are walking around with giant holes in the groin area of their pants and holes in their state shoes, that shouldn’t even be considered a shoe. They’re made out of recycled tires and they hurt bad. I feel sorry for the women who can’t afford real shoes.

More to come…